Setting intentions is an important part of our reflection process. A new week, day or month is the perfect example of a time to reflect and set intentions. We can also do this throughout the year during new beginnings or even as part of our routine by setting an intention for the week ahead. Palo Santo is one of the most fragrant woods and is believed to release purifying properties when burned. Its earthy, citrus and sweet aroma can transform the energy of a space making the perfect accompaniment to mindfulness and reflection. Burn Palo Santo in your favourite space with a journal, reflect on the positives and areas of growth and write down 1 - 3 intentions for the new period ahead.
Our sense of smell can help in regulating our nervous system. When overwhelmed with feelings of stress or anxiety, the use of soft scents can have a calming effect. Australian Sandalwood promotes an uplifting sense of calm and is perfect to burn on in the morning when sunlight is streaming in through a window or when curling up on the couch with a pot of warm tea. Incense can help to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere that aids in relaxation and introspection.
The burning of incense can help create an environment that encourages creativity, ideas and productivity. Vietnamese Agarwood, an aromatic spicy scent, is ethereal and stimulating- burning incense can create a meditative atmosphere which can further enhance creativity, help to enhance focus, clarity and inspiration, all of which are important when allowing your mind to create. .
お香を焚くことは、創造性、アイデア、生産性を促す環境を整えるのに役立ちます。ベトナミーズ 沈香は、芳しいスパイシーな香りで、焚くと瞑想的な雰囲気を醸し出し、創造性を高め、集中力、明瞭さ、インスピレーションをもたらすことで、心が自由に創造するのを助けます。
Incense has been used for centuries as an aid to mediation. The fragrance of incense can help to create a peaceful and tranquil environment that is conducive to deep relaxation and introspection. Incorporating incense into meditation allows you to calm thoughts while also transporting you into a deeper focus and heightening your senses. The burning of incense has been widely used in religious practices to uplift one's spirit during meditation- and watching the smoke rise can be a meditative practice in itself. Korean Red cedar it is perfect for promoting relaxation and an air of comfort- it is both woody and resinous.
瞑想をサポートする:(韓国産 赤杉) 何世紀にもわたり、お香は瞑想の助けとして使用されてきました。お香の香りは、深いリラクゼーションと内省にふさわしい平和で落ち着いた環境を作るのに役立ちます。瞑想にお香を取り入れることで、考えを静めると同時に、深い集中へと導き、感覚を高めることができます。瞑想中に気分を高揚させるために広く使用されてきた燃え上がる煙を見ること自体が、ひとつの瞑想的な実践となることがあります。韓国産 赤杉は、リラクゼーションと快適さの空気を促進するのに最適で、木質で樹脂の香りがします。
One of the most common uses of incense in modern times is for scent in the home. The burning of incense can transform your space and have a calming and relaxing effect or invigorating and energising impact. Hinoki has a fresh, yet deep woody scent which is familiar and clean - perfect for instilling a sense of calm and relaxation in the home.
アロマセラピー:(台湾産 ヒノキ) 現代では、香りとしてお香を使用することが最も一般的な用途の一つです。お香を焚くことで、空間を変え、落ち着いたリラックス効果や活力を与える効果をもたらします。ヒノキは新鮮でありながら深い木の香りで、親しみやすく清潔感があり、家での安らぎとリラクゼーションをもたらすのに最適です。